Saturday, May 30, 2020
The 1st JobMob Census Surprising Results
The 1st JobMob Census' Surprising Results 23 From early November through early January, you responded. On November 7th, 2013, I asked you guys to Please Take The 2-minute 2013 JobMob Census. First off- big thanks to everyone who responded. And hopefully you responded right away, while others needed a lot of prodding and shoving a reminder or two (which is ok, since we're all suffering from email overload, right?). Google Docs' form features made the survey easy to set up, and all your replies were conveniently saved in a spreadsheet while the Summary of Responses feature quickly provided the easy-to-read graphs coming up below.eval In addition to each survey question and its results, I'll tell you what I was expecting, and as you'll see, things didn't always come out the way I thought they would. The census results 1. Are you male or female?eval My expectation: roughly 50/50 split. The actual result: Male 79 64% Female 44 36% 2. How old are you? My expectation: mostly 30 and up, more specifically, university/college grads with at least 5 years of work experience The actual result: Under 18 0 0% 18 â" 25 1 1% 26 â" 35 14 11% 36 â" 45 39 32% 46 and up 69 56% 3. Which country do you live in? My expectation: other metrics already show that JobMob subscribers are mainly Israel/USA-based, so⦠The actual result: United States 45 37% Israel 57 46% United Kingdom 2 2% Canada 4 3% India 3 2% Australia 1 1% Other 11 9% 4. What's your profession? My expectation: professionals, with a somewhat disproportionate number of people from the IT/high tech and job search/recruiting/HR industries The actual result: no pie chart here. While there were answers from many different fields, there was a definite slant to the job search/recruiting/HR industries, even more than I thought. 5. Do you currently have a job? My expectation: one of the first myths busted after I launched JobMob was that you would leave once you found a job. Instead, as people told me when I asked, you're more likely to stay on, in part because I helped you get a good result and you might need my help again soon, or a friend will, or you simply want to continue enjoying the content. With that in mind, I expected that many if not most of the responses would be that yes, you do currently have a job. The actual result: Yes, part-time 23 19% Yes, full-time 62 50% No 25 20% Other 13 11% 6. Are you looking for a job? My expectation: yes, you are most likely looking for a job if you're here. Perhaps not actively, but you're open to newer, better opportunities than whatever you're working on now. The actual result: Yes 60 49% No 47 38% Other 16 13% 7. Do you have a personal blog? My expectation: probably not, especially if you're a job seeker The actual result: Yes 23 19% No 95 77% Other 5 4% 8. On which social network are you most active? My expectation: Facebook (for fun) or LinkedIn (for job search/work) The actual result: Facebook 43 35% LinkedIn 56 46% Twitter 3 2% I'm not active on social networks 14 11% Other 7 6% 9. How did you first discover JobMob? My expectation: most likely via Google when you searched for information, or a recommendation from a friend (possibly on social media) The actual result: In a search engine result, such as on Google 26 21% A friend shared it on social media/email 20 16% It was mentioned on another website 41 33% Other 36 29% 10. When did you first discover JobMob? My expectation: I didn't have any. People subscribe all the time and I just wanted to see who was more likely to respond to the survey, newer subscribers or older ones. The actual result: 2013 36 29% 2012 20 16% Before 2012 67 54% 11. How are you a JobMob subscriber? My expectation: almost surely via email The actual result: Via RSS 5 4% Via email 101 75% Via social media 19 14% Other 9 7% 12. On which device(s) do you read JobMob articles? My expectation: most likely on your desktop computer The actual result: On my computer / laptop 113 74% On my smartphone 25 16% On my tablet 12 8% Other 3 2% 13. On which day of the week are you most likely to read a new JobMob article? My expectation: during the weekend. The actual result: Monday 21 17% Tuesday 6 5% Wednesday 9 7% Thursday 1 1% Friday 22 18% Saturday 7 6% Sunday 17 14% Other 40 33% The census included 5 other questions, but they were all open-ended and it doesn't make sense to include all the responses here. That said, they will be very helpful moving forward as I try to improve JobMob for you. Among those, there was one interesting result worth mentioning though: 17. Besides JobMob, what's your favorite source of job search information and why? Lots of websites were mentioned, but by far the most popular answer was: LinkedIn. This refers both to articles posted in LinkedIn groups and articles posted directly on LinkedIn itself. With that in mind, read next: LinkedIn Groups Top 100 for Job Seekers and Recruiters in 2014 Question of the article Which result is the most surprising? Which question would have you liked me to ask? Love to hear what you think in the comments. Thanks again to everyone who completed the census, from me and the entire JobMob Community. We'll do it again in the fall.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Tips on Writing Good Resume Examples
Tips on Writing Good Resume ExamplesWriting good resume examples is key to success for all job seekers. Here are some pointers to help you write your own job interview questions.People who are looking for jobs may have heard that the best questions to ask are the ones that will help them get the job and what makes this so important is because a resume may be the deciding factor for getting the job. In order to write good job interview questions, there are a few things you should keep in mind.When writing the questions, it is a good idea to first narrow down the possibilities and then put yourself in the position of interviewing the person for the job. For example, if you are writing a list of questions to ask, make sure you can write that down first. This way you know what you want to ask, as well as the tone and personality that you should present in your question.Another important point is to be clear and concise. While the questions may sound a bit scary, being direct can really g ive you an edge over your potential employer. It also allows the interviewer to get a feel for how you deal with people, as well as assess whether or not you will fit in well in the company.Remember, good resume examples can also come from specific experiences. You might have an impressive job history that really puts you at the top of the list for a particular position, but only if you really had a good experience doing it. Try asking someone who has done the same type of work for a previous employer, or even one who is currently in the field.Good experience in general is another way to help you craft the perfect questions. How did you like your last job, and how would you like to do it again?It's important to also find out more about the field you are applying for and what sort of situation would be typical for the possible job you are seeking. If your expectations are way above what most people in that position could handle, your resume will not make the cut.Writing good resume e xamples is something that will pay off for you if you take the time to learn the basics of interviewing. By making sure you know exactly what to say, and how to say it, you can create a successful interview.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
How Much Does it Cost to Live and Work in the UK
How Much Does it Cost to Live and Work in the UK Did you ever stop to think about how much having a job actually costs you? Heres a clue: It aint cheap. Think about how much you spend on your train tickets or petrol, how much you fork out for your daily lattes and those overpriced lunches at the organic cafe round the corner from the office. Before you get your spreadsheets out, have a look at this infographic compiled by Guardian Jobs on the price of living and working in the UK. Some of the key findings: The average salary in London is £33,899, the average salary in the UK is 26% lower at £26,978 The average person in a job has spent 8 years, 7 months and 2 hours of their life working The average annual cost of peak-time train pass with tube travel is a whopping £6,000 A coffee from Costa, Starbucks or Caffe Nero will range from £1.40 to £2.50 If you made instant coffee instead, you could save £888.61 annually A daily sandwich will on average cost £2.49 at Pret a Manger If you make your own sandwiches you could save £261 Finally, the average monthly rent in the UK is £713, in London its £1,202 In conclusion, if you want to save money for your retirement make sure you make your own sandwiches, sip Nescafe, get a bicyle and live far away from London RELATED: How the UK Economy Affects Jobseekers and Recruiters. Brought to you by Guardian Jobs.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
[New Video] Career Tip From My Morning Walk - Classy Career Girl
[New Video] Career Tip From My Morning Walk You are invited on my morning run this morning. My daughter was napping so I recorded a quick career tip for you here. This was at the END of a run which is why I am a little out of breath! ?? haha! My advice is probably not what you would hear most career coaches say. Its a little unconventional. My advice is to STOP updating your resume and applying to any old job online! If you do this, its a great way to get stuck in another job you hate. Instead, you need to have a plan and a goal. You need to find what the perfect job is for you BEFORE you start updating your resume and upplying online. You have to narrow it down from applying to any old job and instead have a very specific type of work that you would like to do in order to have any success trying to find the perfect career for you. Are you struggling to figure out exactly what you should be doing in your job search to find a career you love?Are you tired of worrying about whether or not you are job searching correctly or just wasting a bunch of time? In this day and age, none of us have time to waste on things that donât generate results. Iâll be the first to admit that getting out of a job you hate can be really frustrating and overwhelming. Ive done it myself.But donât fret. Iâm here to help you say adios to your draining job and find an awesome career you love for the rest of your life. I would be honored to be your trusted advisor and help you navigate the (sometimes tricky) waters of career searching to increase your happiness and success. If you can stay one step ahead of your competition, you are sure to see a steady stream of quality opportunities come your way whether you are an employee or entrepreneur. So how do you stay one step ahead? You need to create a career search action pl an with the foundation of the plan built on your unique strengths and your personality, interests and motivations (and not 100% reliant on your resume or online job postings). That way you can easily attract networking opportunities that will lead you to a job you love. To help you put this strategy into action, next week Im hosting a live workshop, How to Ditch Your Draining Day Job and Find an Awesome Career. Join me and I will show you how to do it step-by-step. ?? Click here to register for my free training - Heres what well cover in my action-packed training: To make finding your dream job quick and easy for you, we will break it down into three core principles: Understanding Yourself, Time Management for Efficient Career Searching and a Networking Action Plan. Understand Yourself: Ill show you how to narrow down your search by self-reflection to discover your Ideal Workday a fabulous workday that you would love to have from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed. Time Management For Efficient Career Searching: Its not about how much time you spend job searching. Instead, its about having an effective and strategic job search (Ill show you how to save 1 hour everyday to devote to getting results job searching). Networking Action Plan: Discover whats working right now with LinkedIn and social media networking to turn your network into dream job opportunities. (You can find hiring managers and recruitiers for your dream job and Ill show you how.) This webinar is for YOU if you want to finally create a plan that will produce REAL RESULTS for your job search. Click here to register for my free training - Canât wait to see you there! AnnaP.S. I also will be holding a contest and three lucky winners who register and show up live will receive my 10-Day Online Resume Makeover Course valued at over $200. This webinar will fill up quickly, and once 500 people are live on a webinar, no one else can get on. You dont want to be locked out, so make sure to Sign Up Now and show up 10 minutes early to grab your seat!
Saturday, May 16, 2020
Hoboken Resume Writing Service - Find The Best One For Your Needs
Hoboken Resume Writing Service - Find The Best One For Your NeedsA resume writing service that offers attractive and professional work samples to its clients will make a difference in the hiring process. The point here is not to hire all freelance writers available but to know which service works well for your business.Job Search Hoboken is an internet based service that offers resume writing service at its website. By providing some of the best sample resumes, it can help you find the perfect candidates for your positions. The company uses unique and eye catching techniques to attract potential clients.The system is considered to be the easiest way to gain a foothold in the job search. It can help you overcome some of the hurdles on your way. With the help of this service, you are also eligible to get the latest and attractive job openings that you want. You will not only find a job opening but also the perfect candidate.Finding a company that offers attractive service at reasonable prices is easy. The best place to look for such service is a search engine like Google. By using some of the criteria provided by the company, you can easily find a writing service that can provide a resume that is both professional and appealing.Providing the customers testimonials, client reviews, or referrals, it will help you understand how good and efficient the service is. The testimonials are considered as the best source of information to determine the service that can bring you the success. It gives you a chance to compare and contrast the service against its competitors.With so many companies offering the service, there is a possibility that you may get duped. Ensure that you only use the services of those that are recommended by your friends or family. Not only will this help you to find a good writer, it will also give you an opportunity to ask some questions that you may have. If they don't answer or offer satisfactory answers, it can be time to move on.Job Search Hobo ken is one of the best performing freelance writers in Hoboken. Not only does it deliver with their standard of work, but they also take the initiative to include some of the most significant and cutting edge techniques to make it unique. It also presents the perfect set of sample resumes that can help you find the right candidate.Although there are some companies that claim to provide the right service at reasonable prices, it is always wise to ask them for some sample resumes that they can provide to you. This will help you get a feel of what they are capable of while helping you choose the right service for your needs.
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Why being a confident leader is important - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach
Why being a confident leader is important Confidence is the cornerstone of leadership. A leader can learn to be an effective problem solver, a better communicator, more decisive; mentor and hold team members accountable; how to coach, and many other fundamentals of leadership. Unless and until the leader doesnât believe in herself or himself, true friendship will exist only in title. Even if a leader that is technically qualified for the position, however, lacks confidence, will find it difficult to lead others. A leader can opt for leadership courses, which can add on his skills, making him confident. Confidence is the key to success. The following mentioned are few self-confident tips on why is confidence crucial and building self-confidence. A confident leader has courage and vision: Leaders who are confident have a vision as to where they want to go and reach accomplishments. They have a clear idea and therefore strategize plans for the team. The leaders become courageous with the help of confidence that assists him or her face all kind of situations. One must be brave as he/she has to direct a team to a destination where they can find fruitful results. Without courage, he/she will not be able to decide, have trust or take actions. Confident in communicating: A self-confident leader chooses his words prudently because he knows his sentences direct self-motivation and influence to the team members. His intention will always remain positive. He will efficiently communicate through gestures such as a wide and reassuring smile. Even if there is an emergency, he will not show any signs of panic in his voice and effectively communicate with others. Self-assured: Self-confidence will make a leader have sufficient trust and belief in his actions and capabilities. He will never be insecure at any level. The fact that his leadership qualities and skills will help him lead the team appropriately. They do not get affected by the comments of the critics as they believe in their work. The significance of others: A self-confident leader makes others around feel important. A confident and good leader will understand the significance of his team and will be concern towards them. When there are such leaders the team develops and outshines, they feel necessary for each work they complete. Confidence brings satisfaction: Confidence makes the leader happy about handling the regular risks and him leading other people. They feel positive and self-motivated. They accept any tasks that are coming their way with a go-getting attitude. This shows inspiring and influencing to others. The team, handled by a confident leader feels pleased, and they value the optimistic leader. Strong relationships: A leader who is confident enough is able to build strong and long-lasting relationships with the team members and associates. They enter into constructive and productive relations. They are considerate and handles conflicts properly. Therefore such confident leaders feel good and create a positive work environment. Conclusion: Confidence is vital and basic in leading a company, and its publish through change. Leaders should motivate and direct their groups to change how they work to develop a better future. Remember that it is low self-confidence, which divides average leaders from great leaders. A confident leader achieves success, and if not he strengthens his desire to accomplish something, and with each achievement, his confidence raises a mark higher. Now you might have got an idea of why being a confident leader is important.
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Absolute Worst Thing To Do When You Want To Change Or Improve Your Career - Kathy Caprino
The Absolute Worst Thing To Do When You Want To Change Or Improve Your Career Part of Kathy Caprinos new series âAccessing The Most Powerful Version of Youâ When I was in my most unhappy period at the end of my 18-year corporate career, I was the definition of âstuck.â At age 40, I had spent all those years slogging through jobs and promotions, trying so hard to finally land a senior role that I could love and feel I was great at, working with people I respected, engaging in tasks I enjoyed. And I desperately wanted to be a part of a company that was delivering products and services that made me feel I was doing something meaningful with my time. But by the end of those 18 years, it just wasnât happening. And worse than that, I was chronically ill, exhausted and extremely isolated and burnt out. The core problem was that at that stage of my life, I was clueless as to what else I could for a living that would earn what I and my family needed and not require me to start completely over. But nothing I pursued in the way of help offered a concrete solution or a new direction that made sense to me. I had already worked so hard that I didnât want to âblow itââ"make a huge mistake and fail big again. I felt I was out of time and options. So I did the worst thing anyone can do if they want to change careers or pivot to a new directionâ"I did absolutely nothing. I stayed stuck. I didnât network or explore new avenues. I didnât talk to inspiring people who were doing great things that made my heart skip a beat. I didnt attend conferences or workshops that would teach new skills. I did nothing to change my situation. I didnât even accept a great new job that was offered to me because I worried it might be more of the same. What is the worst thing you can do if youâre unhappy in your career and want to change it? The worse thing to do is to wait until you think you have it all figured out and have âthe answerâ before you make any moves. Progress just doesnât work that way. Nothing will change if you wait until you think you know exactly what you want to do before you take any steps. And success wonât come at all if youâre so desperately afraid of failing that you wonât even consider exploring a new direction. In order to get unstuck, you canât wait until some magical revelation occurs to you that will solve all your problems. Instead, you have to begin to get moving now, and start taking brave, empowered microsteps that will open new doors for you, and help you see that there are indeed more options available to you than you currently recognize. Confidence doesnât suddenly strike. Itâs in the execution of these brave (and often intimidating) steps that will guarantee you will grow in the confidence and self-esteem you need to make a change. If youâre unhappy in your career but have absolutely no idea what else you could do that would earn good money, below are three empowering steps that you can take right now: Start recognizing what youâre drawn to outside your job, and explore how you can apply your existing skills to a new direction that has the same âessenceâ as this thing you love Letâs say youâre a sales director for a telecommunications company and youâre really good at and enjoy sales but canât stand working in telecomm. Letâs say too that youâve always loved international travel and every chance you get, youâre off exploring distant cultures and lands. If thatâs what youâre passionate aboutâ" having experiences that change youâ"think about how you can potentially shift to a new sales role that is focused on selling or promoting cultural or international experiences, perhaps in the travel, education or hospitality fields. Ask yourself: Where can I leverage what I already know and do well, but in a new direction that Iâm passionate about? Talk about it: Start talking to anyone you can think of who might have some good ideas for you or contacts to explore how you can continue doing what youâre great at, but pivot to a new direction that youâd be thrilled to support. 2. If you want a completely new career, narrow down three directions that youâd like to explore Most professionals who come for career coaching and want to chuck their careers completely have no idea what they would do instead, and that keeps them locked in paralysis. To get a clearer sense of directions you might like to pursue: Take a step back and identify fields youâve always been interested in since you were young Understand yourself more deeply, and identify what you really value, enjoy and cherish in life Brainstorm a full list of your skills and capabilities and research new career directions that need these skills Explore what it would take to get more training and experience in these exciting fields Read about the college or post-graduate curriculum and other certification trainings offered in these areas and assess how you feel about pursuing additional learning Talk to 10 professionals who are engaged in these fields, to get a real-world perspective of whatâs involved Finally, for any career change or pivot, take a long, hard look at your finances, and wherever possible, do whatâs necessary to build some savings for a âcareer growth fundâ that will allow you some flexibility to explore a few new options (without chucking your current job). Ask yourself: What are the outcomes that I want to support in my work and how can I use my existing skills to further those outcomes? Talk about it: Narrow down three possible directions you want to learn more about, and connect with people on LinkedIn and in your personal network who are doing this work, and get their feedback. 3. Get an accountability buddy for this process We canât create an amazing career alone and in a vacuum. You need inspiring and empowered people in your life to help you stay motivated, energized and engaged in the process of growth while you commit to exploring some new directions. Find an accountability buddy, mentor or supporter who can help you developâ"and stick withâ"a concrete plan for exploring and trying on a new career or a pivot that will make you happier. It takes time and commitment, but one thing is certain: if you dont get on the path to exploration, nothing will ever change for you. Ask yourself: Who do I know that might be a great mentor or coaching buddy for me as I engage in this process? Talk about it: Reach out to a few good friends or colleagues who love what theyre doing professionally and have taken brave steps to get there, share what youre hoping to do, and ask if they might be open to providing some ongoing mentorship for you. * * * * * If youâre ready for a new career, donât stay stuck in paralysis and confusion. Just get moving. Update your LinkedIn profile to include mention of your outside passions. Start talking to new people about what they do for a living. Reach out to former colleagues, professors, and bosses, and others youâve respected and tell them what youâre thinking about. And attend a conference, workshop or class that excites you. Sometimes just one brief conversation or idea can open a new door that will change everything for you. For hands-on help to build a thrilling career, download my free webinar The Quickest Path To Your Happiest Career and join me in my 16-week Amazing Career Project 16-week course today.
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